Life Quotes

I recently picked up a great quote book titled Love Life at Bumble Lane a local spa that has a great gift and product selection. I flipped through the book while browsing the store in search of a lotion once carried in there product line, only for me to fall in love with it, and now it is no longer carried at this location or possibly even seize to be made at all because the girl at the counter, as nice and courteous as she was when I asked her, had no clue which scent I was speaking about, so I left with a book and no lotion. But, this book is great. I love quotes and having a quote book such as this one is indispensable. I read one quote and my day is changed for the better. Upon opening the book, the first quote is by Abraham Lincoln and it reads, "What is life for? It is for you." Simple, profound and straight to the point. I interpret this quote as, buck up and embrace life, learn something and enjoy it, love something so much your heart aches, know you are alive everyday and make something of yourself.

Here are some of my other favorites:
Love Today       
"Here I am, where I ought to be" - Louise Erdrich
 Love Possibilities 
"You, Whose day it is, get out your rainbow colors and make it beautiful"  - Traditional Nootka Song

Love Yourself
"The greatest gift you will ever receive is the gift of loving and believing in yourself. Guard this gift with your life. It is the only thing that will ever truly be yours"  - Tiffany Loren Rowe

Love Work
"Do what you love to do, and do it so well that those who come to see you do it will bring others to watch you do it again and again and again"   - Mark Victor Hansen

Love Life
There are many more quotes in the book all with the theme of loving your life.