January --->Attitude
*Project a positive attitude outward and within myself
*Raise energy level
*Be happy in my own skin
February --->Strength and Relationship (and strengthen relationships)
*Make an effort with important connections that are frayed
*Focus on my health and strength (be able to run 1 mile and still breathe)
*Acts of love (so those I love see my actions and intentions of my heart)
March --->Parenting
*Be calm
*Focus on positive
April --->Education
*Make a plan
*Study and be persistent
*Make a decision about graduate school
May --->Organization
*Clear out physical, emotional and mental clutter
*Create space
*Have one empty shelf
June --->Travel
*Embrace traveling and see Spain
*Travel with purpose - never forget that it is a journey and an observation
July --->Language
*Study either Spanish or Italian each day for at least fifteen minutes
*Incorporate language more in my daily life
August --->Money
*Make some
*Spend some
*Save some
*Establish a vacation goal with the kids and start a jar
*Evaluate my relationship with money and improve it
September-->Career Exploration
*Dig DEEP!
*Explore my options
*Try something new
*Be true to Alina
October --->Books
*Embrace new books (read something Science Fiction)
*Make a photo book from summer photos
*Seek other books by authors I enjoy
*Reread Jane Austen
*give of my time to the school to help with holiday activities
*give more love to the most important people in my life
*be kind in public and while driving
*keep a gratitude list each day write three things I am grateful for
*Evaluate my happiness.
*Reflect upon my year and appreciate the experience of my project
*Appreciate the season and remember to show the appreciation that I feel
*Be happy being Alina and appreciate the gifts of each day