Having a good attitude is much easier a statement to make than an action. I realize how many times I literally say to my children "you should have a good attitude" or "act happy" or "be nice" or "only say something nice". UGH! I annoy myself. Of course, I did not realize I was such a nag but so many times when I said such a phrase I myself was not "having a good attitude."
This past week, I remained constantly aware of my step for January. I say to myself each morning (and approximately 149 times per day) to keep a good attitude today and not let others actions reflect within my mood. Now, I must make clear that I am not a saint. So, you can imagine that there were moments and possibly even hours in the past week that I did not keep a good attitude. Some may say that I did not do well with my resolution for last week since I was unable to remain positive. But I disagree. I am grateful that I notice the difference. I also noticed a huge impact my positive attitude can have on those surrounding me. It is easy to nag and be mopey and just blah. BUT, it is not enjoyable. I do not want to be known as the miserable old lady. I want to be the perky, bubbly old lady who isn't afraid to be who she is and enjoy the world.
I also discovered in one short week that being positive makes difficult parenting more bearable. It does not remove one from the tough situation but it most certainly allows the glimmer of hope to shine. I also noticed that if I prolong my annoyance and negative comments the bad behavior or ill temper continues. However, at times when I made my point then relaxed it seemed like the instance subsided quicker.
And though this may not be directly related to my attitude, I discovered another astute point this week. When you decide to change something in your life or better certain avenues, unresolved issues resurface instantly and adversary comes from all manner of directions. This is why I am choosing attitude first in my project. Like Tucker Dupree declares "Anything is possible with the right attitude." I know that this is true. And so my project continues and I am starting a new week and constantly evaluating my attitude.
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